Interpretation of the Life Politics of the Construction of the National Fitness and Health Promotion in China
中文关键词:全民健身  健康中国  国家战略  生命政治  生命权力
英文关键词:national fitness  healthy China  national strategy  life politics  life power
张大志 苏州大学 体育学院 zhangdazhi8055@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 2443
全文下载次数: 4300
      National fitness is the time reflection of the function of sports. It is the core of sport public service and the key in the construction of a Healthy China. The proposal and implementation of the state strategy of national fitness is the projection of the modernization of the state governance ability and system, which contains abundant phenomena of life politics. National fitness is a kind of state behavior and is the reflection of state will. National life is included in the operation logic of the state power, which reflects the provision and respect of the state power toward life. In national fitness, life politics runs through the whole life of human being and is reflected in the classification of the participating groups and in the effective connection between the national top-level design and national identity.
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