The Non-Physical Communication Form of Tai Chi in Modern Times:The Description of Tai Chi by Chinese Publishing Institutions from 1918 to 1937
Received:July 04, 2018  
中文关键词:近代太极拳  非身体传播形态  文本记述
英文关键词:modern Tai Chi  non-physical communication form  text description
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
ZHANG Ruiqing School of Sports Journalism and Foreign Studies, Shanghai University of Sport zhangruiqing@sus.edu.cn 
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      Before the Republic of China era, the communication of Tai Chi was mainly physically based. In modern times, the development of newspapers and magazines and the prosperity of the publishing industry have provided the possibility of non-physical communication of Tai Chi. Therefore, the martial arts function of Tai Chi has been weakened while its fitness function and cultural connotation have been strengthened. The spread of Tai Chi on newspapers and periodicals was first seen in the "Sports Quarterly" of the Beijing Normal University Sports Research Institute in 1918. It has experienced the germination period, exploration period and maturity period. Newspapers represented by "Shun Pao" have expanded the foundation of Tai Chi among the public. The sports journals and professional monographs have systemized the scientific nature of Tai Chi. They have combed the graphic materials of Tai Chi, studied the connotation and value of Tai Chi, and furthermore discussed the possibility of the fusion of traditional and modern Tai Chi. The development of the communication form of Tai Chi can be regarded as a typical metaphor when tradition encounters modernity in modern China.
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