Research on the Construction of Chinese Sports Think Tank from the Perspective of Competitive Sports
Received:November 16, 2018  
中文关键词:体育智库  价值  挑战  竞技体育
英文关键词:sports think tank  value  challenge  competitive sports
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
ZHANG Lei School of Physical Education, Soochow University 18862115933@163.com 
YONG Ming School of Physical Education, Soochow University yongming@suda.edu.cn 
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      Based on the perspective of competitive sports, literature method and interview method have been used to study the value of the construction of Chinese sports think tank. The construction of Chinese sports think tank is the inner demand of competitive sports development to promote the innovation and advancement of competitive sports; and is the external demand of citizens to form correct sports values so as to promote the scientific decision-making of sports, enhance the soft power of sports, and strengthen the right to speak internationally. Further research found that the current sports think tank has problems such as unbalanced development, lack of independence, lack of core competitiveness, and lack of core talents, which seriously prevents it from playing its role. Combined with the reality of the construction of sports think tank in China, it is proposed that government actively play its role to broaden the sources of funds, integrate academic resources, improve the conversion rate of achievements, and diversify channels to absorb talents in sports think tanks.
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