Systematic Evaluation and Meta Analysis of the Antihypertensive Effect of Tai Chi on Patients with Essential Hypertension
Received:October 12, 2018  
中文关键词:太极拳  原发性高血压  系统评价  Meta分析
英文关键词:Tai Chi  Essential hypertension  Systematic Review  Meta analysis
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
ZHANG Yongpeng Southwest university Institute of Physical Education 745932514@qq.com 
TAO Fei Southwest university Institute of Physical Education  
YANG Jiaying NanJing Normal University College of Sport Science  
JIA Zhijie Southwest university Institute of Physical Education  
WEI Qiongyuan Southwest university Institute of Physical Education  
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      Objective: This study systematically evaluated the effect of Tai Chi exercise on blood pressure indexes of patients with essential hypertension and conducted a meta-analysis, so as to provide a reliable reference basis for clinical work. Methods: Randomized controlled trials on the effect Of Tai Chi on blood pressure of patients with essential hypertension were collected. Methodological quality was evaluated by using Cochrane bias risk assessment tool, and Meta analysis was performed by using Stata15.0 software. Results: According to the exclusion criteria, a total of 15 randomized controlled trials were included in the study, among which 6, 8 and 1 were low, medium and high risk literatures, respectively. A total of 732 samples were included in the study, including 316 in the experimental group and 416 in the control group. Meta analysis showed that the improvement of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure in the experimental group was better than that in the control group; Subgroup analysis showed that Tai Chi can significantly improve systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients under 65 years of age; Multivariate Meta regression analysis failed to explain the source of inter-study heterogeneity, and the sensitivity analysis showed good homogeneity after excluding two poor-quality literatures. According to the Egger test, there was a significant publication bias in the literature on the effect of Tai Chi on systolic blood pressure, while there was no significant publication bias in the literature on the effect of diastolic blood pressure. Conclusion: Based on the existing evidence, Tai Chi is effective in the intervention of systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension, and should be paid attention to and popularized in the treatment of essential hypertension.
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